It started out as a good idea. A few pics in the leaves. A nice afternoon. A few problems: It's just before supper and Robin's ready to nap. Oh we'll be quick, let's try it anyway.
A few quick shots to check my settings, and I see this is probably the best shot
(should've quit here).
Hey Kids! Get over here, let me take your picture!
Getting Closer ...
Not bad, let's try a few more. . .
Oh--I can see now, Erin has an idea, and Kyle is on the same page.
Poor Baby . . .that's it for picture time, today.
(I wish that was all I said, I was a bit crabby here, I needed supper too)
Remind Mama if she dares to try this again, I need kids (and mama) that are freshly fed and napped. I think posing jobs are better left to the pros!